LPWA - Network connections with Network Manager (plus ModemManager and libqmi)
USB Connect LPWA based on Qualcomm Chipsatz supporting QMI interface. QMI is Qualcomm's proprietary protocol for using Virtual Ethernet on the USB-Connect LPWA to establish IP connectivity with the mobile operator.
The following documentation describes how to configure the required applications: Network Manager, Modem Manager, libqmi.
Step 1: Stop and disable dhcpcd.service
sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd.service
sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd.service
Step 2: Start and enable the following common packages the next time you boot to ensure proper modem operation and to avoid interference.
sudo systemctl enable ModemManager.service
sudo systemctl start ModemManager.service
sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service
Step 3: Set up your mobile network by changing the APN address to your own.
sudo nmcli connection add type gsm ifname cdc-wdm0 con-name mymodem apn test.iot.de
Step: 4: Connect to the mobile network
Step 5: Restart operating system
Step 6: Check the assigned IP address and test the connection
Step 7: To test the connection
You will get something similar to that: