5G SENS GPIO - Manual

5G SENS GPIO - Manual

1. Overview

1.1 Accessories

There are no accessories included with the device. You can purchase an optional mounting accessory that can be attached to the notches (M) on the housing.

2. Operation

2.1 Charging

Before using the rechargeable battery variant of the 5G SENS device for the first time as well as when the battery power is in the red area as shown in the table in section Device and battery status, please charge the battery as follows: Connect the USB cable to the charger and the USB port (P) on the device. Connect the charger to a wall socket. While charging, the device will indicate its charging status via LED (⯊):

LED (⯊)

Charging status

LED (⯊)

Charging status


In progress




Multiple meanings:

  • Charging time exceeded

  • Error

With some chargers, the charging current is insufficient to charge the internal battery within five hours completely. As a safety feature, 5 hours is the maximum charging time. The LED (⯊) will turn yellow when the battery is not entirely charged within five hours. Please dis- and reconnect your charger to restart the charging process. Only if this situation occurs more than once in one charging cycle, the battery might have an issue, and you should consult with trained personnel to inspect your device.

The LED (⯊) may blink red if charging is done at high ambient temperatures and/or with high currents. As a safety feature, the charging will be interrupted if the battery reaches a temperature of 45 °C, which is indicated by turning the red LED (⯊) off. As soon as the battery is below the temperature limit again, charging is resumed immediately and LED (⯊) will turn red again. This might result in a blinking red LED (⯊).

2.2 Switch on

Press and hold button (O) or button (X) for 5 seconds to turn the device on. The device will indicate the different phases of the switch-on procedure via LED (▲). During the boot phase, the LED will be red (first high, then normal intensity). Once the boot phase is finished, the LED will turn green and subsequently may alternate between green and red several times. It's important to remember that the buttons won't work while the device is in this phase. The last segment of the switch-on procedure is the initialisation phase, which starts when the LED turns blue. During the initialisation phase, the application will attach to the mobile network, perform clock synchronisation, establish connectivity with the cloud platform and send initial telemetry data. Under good conditions, this will take around 50 seconds, but may take longer due to external factors. LED (▲) will be solid green for 10 seconds when the whole switch-on procedure has finished successfully.

Please note that you can’t switch off the device while the initialisation phase is in progress and while the device signals the successful or erroneous outcome of the initialisation phase (See next subsection).


2.2.1 Errors while switching the device on

In case of any errors during the initialisation phase, LED (▲) will issue a blinking pattern to differentiate error classes. The pattern will always start with a blue LED followed by one or multiple red blinks. The blinking pattern will repeat five times.

Blinking pattern

Description and possible causes

Blinking pattern

Description and possible causes


  • The device is not able to attach to the mobile network


  • The SIM card is damaged or not inserted


  • There is no source for the time synchronisation available

  • An unexpected error occurred while communicating with the cloud platform


  • The cloud platform administrator has not yet enabled the device for self-registration


After the device has signalled the error condition five times, it will wait a certain amount of time and reset itself to retry the switch-on procedure. The number of previous retry attempts governs the time the device waits before it resets itself.

Previous retry attempts

Timeout before device reset

Previous retry attempts

Timeout before device reset


90 seconds


180 seconds


3 minutes


6 minutes


12 minutes


25 minutes


45 minutes


1.5 h


3 h


6 h


12 h

> 10

24 h

2.3 Switch off

Press and hold button (O) for 3 seconds to turn the device off. The device has acknowledged the shutdown request when LED (▲) is red. The shutdown is completed when LED (▲) is off.

2.4 Device and battery status

Press button (O) to check the device and battery status. LED (▬) is used to indicate the battery status and LED (▲) is used to indicate whether the device is on or off:

LED (▬)

Battery status **

LED (▬)

Battery status **


Above 50% capacity


Between 50% and 10% capacity


Below 10% capacity

LED (▲)

Device status

LED (▲)

Device status


Device is on


Device is off

** Battery status indication is only displayed when the device is on.

Rough table for battery status based on voltage measurement

Capacity Load

Rechargeable Battery (LiPo)
depends on temperature

depends on electrical load

3 x AA Batteries L91 Energizer
depends heavily on temperature

depends heavily on electrical load

Capacity Load

Rechargeable Battery (LiPo)
depends on temperature

depends on electrical load

3 x AA Batteries L91 Energizer
depends heavily on temperature

depends heavily on electrical load
















2.5 Placement

The device must not be used in the immediate vicinity of the human body.
Please ensure a minimum distance of 20 centimetres to the human body when the device is in operation at all times.

Make sure that the sensor notches (S) are not blocked when positioning the device. Otherwise, the sensor readings may be inaccurate.

2.6 Device reset

2.6.1 Software reset

A software reset will restart the application without rebooting the entire device. For a software reset, press and hold buttons (O) and (X) for more than 3 seconds. The LEDs (▬) and (▲) will turn red once the device has acknowledged the software reset. After a software reset, the device will not react to user interaction for approximately 25 seconds.

2.6.2 Hardware reset

Optional functionality
Please consult your vendor whether your device is equipped with this feature.

A hardware reset will reboot the device and the application that is running on the device. Press and hold buttons (O) and (X) for more than 10 seconds. Please ignore the acknowledgement LEDs from the software reset procedure and keep on pressing until the device powers on again. The hardware reset is finished when the power-on procedure is completed.

2.7 Over-the-Air updates

The device installs software and firmware updates autonomously over the air. A white LED (▬) indicates an ongoing update. The device will reboot after the update has finished.

Please do not power off the device while an update is in progress.
Otherwise, you may cause irrecoverable damage.

Privacy notice

By continuing to use this device, you indicate that you have read and agree to the following content: In order to provide better service, this device will automatically check for/obtain software update information from the vendor and its partners after connecting to the Internet. This process may use mobile data and requires access to your device's unique identifier to check whether your device needs to be updated. Note that neither the vendor nor its partners will use the information for the purposes of personally identifying you, this is only used for managing software updates.

2.8 Notes on installing external sensors

The USB-C connector is wired the following way:

The external GPIOs consume the least amount of current when they are at a HIGH level. Therefore the installation of external sensors should be done so that the typical (long-term) status does not draw any current. The device's battery performance will be impacted if you ignore this recommendation.


  1. When using a relay
    The installation should be done so that the relay is not closed in the typical situation. Instead, it should close only in cases a value must be transmitted. The used signal of the device should therefore be connected to the NO port of the relay, and the COM port of the relay should be connected to the GND port of the device.

  2. When using a limit switch
    The installation should be done so that the long-term status of the limit switch is when the switch is open. When the switch closes, it is detected by the device and transmitted.

3. IoT platforms

The device integrates with multiple IoT platforms. You need an account from the platform operator to use the device with the respective platform. You can find the manual for your platform in one of the following sections.

3.2 Cumulocity IoT / Telekom Cloud-of-Things

There is extensive online documentation (external link) that covers all aspects of working with Cumulocity IoT. The following subsections cover the most basic tasks in a concise manner. Please refer to the official user guide (external link) if you have any additional questions.

3.2.1 Register devices

Use the application switcher in the upper left corner of the user interface and navigate to the “Device management” application.

Navigate to “Devices” > “Registration” and click on the button “Register devices”.

Prepare a CSV file that contains the IDs of the devices you want to register and the respective group each device should be assigned with.


Select the “Bulk device registration” option and upload the prepared file via the “Select file to upload” button.


Your new devices will now be on the list for pending registrations, and their status will be “waiting for connection”.

Switch on your device. The first initialisation attempt will fail, and LED (▲) will issue the blinking pattern that indicates a CREDENTIALS ERROR.



This is expected because a new device must connect at least once before an administrator can manually accept it via the user interface. The status of the new device will now be “pending acceptance”. Click on the “Accept” button and wait until the device retries the initialisation phase. Once the initialisation phase is finished, LED (▲) will turn green for 10 seconds. Device registration is now complete.

3.2.2 Potential issues during device registration

The device may fail to store the credentials that are provided by the Cumulocity backend due to the following events taking place during device registration:

  • The operator initiates a hardware reset through the use of buttons

  • Disconnection or under-voltage of the power supply

Signs indicating the occurrence of this scenario are as follows:

  • The device has been registered and accepted via the Cumulocity user interface

  • The device continues to display the error code CREDENTIALS ERROR

In this case, it becomes necessary to delete the existing device and its credentials in Cumulocity and proceed with the device registration process again. Here is how you can delete an already existing device and its credentials:

  • “Device Management” > “Devices” > “All devices” > Delete the device


  • “Device Management” > “Management” > “Device credentials” > Delete the credentials