Vodafone IoT-Manager Documentation (Version 1.0)

Vodafone IoT-Manager Documentation (Version 1.0)

Document history

The table shows the changes history of the document:

  • Initial Version

Vodafone provides you an web interface to manage and monitor your device and account.
Its core functionality is described on this page. Follow the link to get to the IoT-Manager.

Link to IoT-Manager (https://vodafone.exelonix.com/iot-manager)


On your first visit you will see the login page to the IoT-Manager.
You will find your login credentials in the email that you received along with the delivery of the NB|IoT device NB-device.

After your first login, you must set a new password.
Just follow the instructions of the IoT-Manager.

You can reset your password later via the Forgot password  link.


List of users

To see all accounts of your organization click on the Users tab at the top navigation bar.

The Last Active Date column of the table shows the last time the user was logged in
at the IoT-Manager.

Click at one user in the table to see the details of the account.

List of devices

To see all devices of your organization click on the Devices tab at the top navigation bar.

The Last Last Activity column of the table shows the last time the device sent a message.

Click at one device in the table to see the details of the device.

Device dashboard

The Dashboard shows the current values of all device components.
A component could be a sensor, a network criteria or an arbitrary user generated value
like a string.

When you click at one component in the center view you will see the history of its values
at the right side. For numeric values exists graphs, otherwise tables.

You can select the time range of the showed values via the top buttons at the right side.

A grayed component means the component did not send recent values.

IMPORTANT: The dashboard may display older values (if the data was not transmitted successfully). Check the Log view to ceck for recent values.

Device log view

The Log view shows the sent values of the device ordered by time.

To select the time range of the shown values use the date buttons at the top.

Additionally you can download the values of the selected time range
via the Download CSV button.

Device properties

The Properties & Settings section shows general properties of the device.

You can give the device any Title you want to make it easy for you
to distinguish your devices.

The Production Number is mostly relevant for support cases.

The Device Key is the identifier you device is using to communicate
with the server. Usually devices uses IMEI numbers.

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