5G SENS Device management user interface

The graphical user interface to manage devices is currently provided as beta software and available via noia.exelonix.com.

Table of Contents

1. User interface overview

You will be on the Devices tab after you log in. You can use the main menu on the left-hand side to switch between application tabs. Information about the current tenant and the currently logged-in user is in the top-right corner of the navigation bar. Clicking on the user image will reveal the user account menu that enables you to log out or switch between your tenants.

User interface overview
User account menu


2. User management

2.1 User invitation from the perspective of an administrator

To invite a new user, you need to be an administrator of the tenant; otherwise you won’t have access to the Members tab of the user interface. Click on the Members item in the main menu and then on the Invite button:

The invitation dialogue will appear, where you can enter the email address of the user you want to invite. Here, you can also select the roles that you wish to assign to the user:

Please refer to the section about user roles for their semantics. The invited user will be able to register after you have confirmed the dialogue via the Send invitation button. The following section will describe what happens after you have created the invitation (From the perspective of the invited user).

2.2 User invitation from the perspective of the invited user

After an administrator has invited you to join a tenant, you will receive the following email:

Please click on the Sign Up button contained within the E-Mail to set up your password. Afterwards, you need to verify your E-Mail address via a second mail. The E-Mail address verification is required only once. Subsequent invitations for the same user and a different tenant won’t trigger sending the verification E-Mail.



The user registration is complete once you have set your password and verified your account. You can now log in using your E-Mail address and password via noia.exelonix.com.

2.3 Edit or remove an existing user

To edit an existing user, click on the email or roles cell of the respective user entry in the members table. This will open a dialogue where you can update the roles of the user. To remove a user from the tenant, you need to click on the respective X button at the end of the members table row.

2.4 User roles

The functionalities that you are allowed to execute via the device management interface are governed by user roles. The roles of a user can be assigned by an administrator during user invitation or when an existing user is edited. A user can have none, one, or multiple roles. The following paragraphs describe the privileges a user with an equivalent role assignment has:


No roles assigned

A user without any assigned roles has read-only access to the device management user interface. That means, he can view all devices and their metadata, but he cannot change or remove anything.

Device Administrator

A user with the role of Device Administrator can assign artefact versions to devices (e.g. a new device firmware or modem firmware version). Furthermore, the user can change configuration parameters, create new configuration file versions in the user configuration repository, or delete a device.

Tenant Administrator

A user with the role of Tenant Administrator has full access to all functionalities regarding the tenant. The user is able to invite new users, edit existing users, or remove users from the tenant.


In addition to the roles above, the dialogue to invite or edit a user shows roles with the prefix Grafana. These roles are relevant for the Grafana platform that you can use for data analytics and visualisation. They have no meaning in the context of the device management user interface. Please refer to the Grafana documentation for the exact semantics of these roles (external link).

3. Device management

Click on the Devices entry on the main menu to navigate to the device management tab. Here you will find a list of all the devices that are associated with your tenant. You can use the search form to filter the devices that are displayed in the list. Click on a row in the devices list to reveal more information about a specific device.

3.1 Single assignment of device configuration or artefact updates

Click on the three dots button (â‹®) that is situated at the end of each device list row to reveal the device context menu. Pressing the Configuration or Artefacts menu item will bring up the respective dialogue window.

3.1.1 Configuration assignment

The device configuration assignment dialogue will show you the currently active configuration of the device and an estimation of when the device will check for new configuration assignments. You can use the inputs in the row Assignment to enter the desired values for all available parameters. Press the Confirm button to save the configuration assignment. Please refer to the parameters documentation of the respective device application to get more information about the semantics of each parameter.

3.1.2 Artefact assignment

The artefact assignment dialogue displays the last reported version of each updateable artefact of the device. You can use the dropdown menus in the Assignment column to select a different version for each artefact. Please press the Confirm button to save the artefact assignment. The device will install the desired versions the next time it checks for new artefact assignments. In the bottom right corner of the dialogue window is an estimation of when this will be.


3.2 Bulk assignment of device configuration or artefact updates

You can use the bulk assignment functionality to update the configuration or artefact versions of multiple devices at once. In both cases, you need to prepare a CSV file that contains the desired assignments. Press the Bulk assignment button in the device management tab and select whether your file contains configuration or artefact assignments. Afterwards, you need to upload the prepared CSV file. Please see the following subsections for the concrete format of the CSV file.

3.2.1 Configuration assignment

The first line of the CSV file is considered the header row and must contain the identifier DEVICE_ID as well as additional identifiers that denote the parameters you want to set. Please refer to the parameters documentation of the respective device application to get more information about the available parameters. All rows after the header row are considered a value row which contains the desired parameter values for a specific device. It needs to contain a valid device identifier in the DEVICE_ID column and there can only be one value row for each device identifier per file. You can use an empty column value if you don’t want to set a parameter for a specific device.


Example CSV file with configuration assignments for the TRACK application:

DEVICE_ID,papp,pdur,pmode,pstart,pxtime,pytime U8PN-6SYX-ASL2-DR3K,0,1440,0,0,1440,0 48HQ-YECG-9C2X-LEXK,0,1440,1,0,1440,0 AB2W-G6V6-XPBX-BAGA,,,2,,,


3.2.2 Artefact assignment

The first line of the CSV file is considered the header row and must contain the identifier DEVICE_ID. Additionally, there need to be other column headers in the header row that denote either the identifier or description of an artefact repository. All rows after the header row are considered value rows that contain the desired artefact version for the respective device and artefact repository. Each value row needs to contain a valid device identifier in the DEVICE_ID column and there can only be one value row for each device identifier per file. You can use an empty column value if you don’t want to set a version from the respective repository for a specific device.

Example CSV file with artefact assignments:

DEVICE_ID,"Device firmware","Modem firmware","Coprocessor firmware" U8PN-6SYX-ASL2-DR3K,1.7.0-TRACK-1-2.1.1,R02A04_01.002.01.002, 48HQ-YECG-9C2X-LEXK,1.7.0-TRACK-1-2.1.1,, AB2W-G6V6-XPBX-BAGA,1.7.0-TRACK-1-2.0.1,,


3.3 Identify and handle device errors

A device will report error information in case the installation of a configuration or artefact assignment fails. You can use the Devices tab to identify these devices. A device that has reported errors has a red indicator at the beginning of the table row:

If your tenant contains many devices, you can use the filter input to identify devices that reported errors:

Please click on the device row to view whether to which assignment the error is related. Then continue to the respective assignment dialogue to get more detailed error information:

Device errors can be resolved by deleting or changing the assignment that caused them. Keep in mind that a modified assignment can cause new errors that will only be visible after the device has attempted to apply the modified assignment.