

Frequently Asked Questions

 1. The definition of DEV KIT

The Definition of the Vodafone NB-IoT Development Kit: The Vodafone NB-IoT Development Kit consists of an NB-IoT modem board (EX-COM 210) operating in Band 8 & 20, a connector board offering UART, RS232 & USB connectors, a software tool (NB|EASY Software) and a IoT-Cloud (IoT-Manger). The Vodafone NB-IoT Development Kit was designed to simplify NB-IoT development. The user can get first experience with the NB-IoT standard by simply transmitting a "Hello World" string in the IoT cloud within minutes. Beside the transmitted string, the development kit also transmits UE statistics into the cloud using the NB-IoT Network of Vodafone. This data can be viewed there (alike the sensor data that is transmitted via the modem) and give you a good insight into the connectivity performance of the NB-IoT device. Development KIT. This end-to-end transmission can be a starting point for further development.

 2. How can order a Vodafone NB-IoT Development Kit

You can order the Development Kit from the Vodafone Website.

 3. Abbreviations

Here is a list of shortcuts:

UART -Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (Wikipedia)

DEV KIT - Development Kit

NB -IoT - Narrowband Internet of Things Standard (Wikipedia)

AT-Commands  - Modem operation commands (Wikipedia)

UDP - User Datagram Protocol (Wikipedia)

UE - User Equipment / Development Kit

 4. How can I connect to another cloud?

There are two ways to communicate with a different backend than the Vodafone backend

via UDP

NB-IoT devices support primarily only the UDP-protocol. You can not use TCP or higher protocols based on TCP. The backend/cloud, you want to communicate to, must support an UDP-endpoint. You can either change the backend IP via the NB | EASY tool or when you are using the NB | Easy interface.

via Protocol Proxy

There are existing software components, which connect NB-IoT devices to a backend via a proxy, which provides other protocols like HTTP or MQTT. If you are interested in this solution, contact the team of exelonix GmbH.

exelonix GmbH
Washingtonstr. 16/16a
D-01139 Dresden

Phone: +49 (0) 351 – 219 71 444
E-Mail info@exelonix.com
Website: www.exelonix.com

 5. I have problems with the Development KIT!

Vodafone Service-Hotline +49 172 122620

Monday – Friday  08:00 to 17:00

 6. IoT Manager Troubleshooting

You forgot your password

  • Click on the link "Forgot password"
  • Please enter your registered e-mail address
  • We will send you a link to a page where you can enter a new password

You have entered an invalid username or password!

  • Please check your provided details. Make sure you sign in with your registered email address
  • If necessary, reset your password with the "Forgot password" link

Could not send email to reset your password. Check the email address you typed in and your mailbox.

  • Please check your e-mail inbox if you have received an e-mail from noreply@exelonix.com
  • Make sure you have entered your correct e-mail address, if so then contact us under info@exelonix.com

The website https://vodafone.exelonix.com/iot-manager is not loading

 7. What are the mobile network operator prerequisites?
  • Your operator needs to support LTE Cat NB1
  • Your operator needs to whitelist the following socket address of our UDP proxy service:

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