General Information
Product Marketing Name | USB Connect 4G - EU |
Revision | 20-004-1.3-EU |
Manufacturer | exelonix GmbH Washingtonstraße 16/16a 01139 Dresden Germany |
The USB Connect 4G - EU is a USB device for cellular communication and supports the LTE CAT 4 standard.
The device is connected to the host device by a USB Type A interface, which supplies the USB device with power and transmit/receive data.
Supported LTE Bands
LTE Band | Max. Output Power (dBm) | Frequency (MHz) | Uplink (MHz) | Downlink (MHz) | Channels |
1 | 23 dBm | 2100 | 1920 – 1980 | 2110 – 2170 | Tx: 18000 - 18599 |
3 | 23 dBm | 1800 | 1710-1785 | 1805-1880 | Tx: 19200 - 19949 |
7 | 23 dBm | 2600 | 2500 – 2570 | 2620 – 2690 | Tx: 20750 - 21449 |
8 | 23 dBm | 900 | 880-915 | 925-960 | Tx: 21450 - 21799 |
20 | 23 dBm | 800 | 832-862 | 791-821 | Tx: 24150 - 24449 |
28A | 23 dBm | 700 | 703-733 | 758-788 | Tx: 27210 - 27510 |
Working und Storage Conditions
Parameter | Minimum Value | Maximum Value | Unit |
Operating temperature | -20 | +55 | °C |
Storage temperature | -20 | +70 | °C |
Humidity Range | 5 | 95 | % |
Electrical Characteristics
Mode | Value |
Switched OFF | 25 µA |
Idle Mode (No Call) | max. 15 mA |
Operating Mode | 200 - 600 mA |
USB Voltage Range | 4,8 V - 5,5 V (normally 5 V) |
Get started with USB Connect 4G - EU
Ettevalmistused ja sisselülitamine
Paigaldage draiverid Windows / Linux operatsioonisüsteemi oma serverseadmes. →
Ühendage USB Connect 4G hostseadme A-tüüpi USB-pessa.
Veenduge, et teie keha ja USB Connect 4G vaheline kaugus oleks suurem kui 20 cm.
Kui hostseadme USB-pesa on aktiivne, käivitub USB Connect 4G automaatselt.
Nüüd saate tuvastada USB Connect 4G - EU COM-pordi ja saata AT-käsklusi AT-käsuliidese avamiseks. Selleks peate saatma järgmise käsu (küsige tootjalt parooli):
USB-seadme kahjustamise vältimiseks ei tohi toiteallikat katkestada enne, kui väljalülitusprotseduur on täielikult läbi viidud.
Esmalt määrake AT käsuliidese kaudu (nt AT-kontrolleri kaudu) järgmised sätted:
Nüüd käsk
saab saata USB Connect 4G väljalülitamiseks.
15 sekundi pärast saate USB Connect 4G ohutult hostseadmest lahti ühendada.
AT commands can be used during operation to establish a network connection. Please find an overview in the AT commands reference guide from Telit:
Please consult User Manual
Raadiosagedusliku kiirguse juhistele vastavuse tagamiseks tuleb seadet kasutada kehast vähemalt 20 cm kaugusel. Nende juhiste eiramine võib kaasa tuua selle, et teie raadiosageduslik kokkupuude ületab asjakohased piirnormid. Nõuded asukohale ja vastavad piirangud asukohtadele, mille kaugus kasutajast on vähemalt 20 cm, on selgelt näidatud USB-seadmega. Seade on mõeldud rangelt tööstuslikuks kasutamiseks/rakenduseks ja paigaldatud tööstuskeskkonda. See seade ei ole ette nähtud kaugjuurdepääsuks LTE kaudu. See hõlmab ka püsivara värskendusi ja raadioseadete muudatusi LTE kaudu. Kui püsivara värskendamine on vajalik, võtke ühendust tootjaga.
CE sertifikaat
Exelonix GmbH toetab täielikult elektroonikaromude keskkonnaeesmärke. Kõik elektroonikatooted tuleb elektroonikaseadmete ohutuks kõrvaldamiseks kokku koguda ja saata heakskiidetud operaatoritele.
RF kokkupuude
Kui teie seade on kasutusel, juhib teie ühendust haldav süsteem võimsustaset, millega teie seade edastab.
Tähelepanu segamine
Õnnetusohu vähendamiseks tuleb kogu aeg pöörata tähelepanu juhtimisele. Selle seadme kasutamine sõidu ajal häirib tähelepanu ja võib põhjustada õnnetuse. Peate järgima kohalikke seadusi ja eeskirju, mis piiravad juhtmeta seadmete kasutamist sõidu ajal.
Töötavad masinad
Õnnetusohu vähendamiseks tuleb masina kasutamisele pöörata suurt tähelepanu.
Toote käsitsemine
Ainult teie vastutate oma seadme kasutamise ja selle kasutamise tagajärgede eest.
You must always switch off your device wherever the use of a mobile phone is prohibited. If your device has clip-on covers, do not use it without the covers attached and do not remove or change them while using the device. Use of your device is subject to safety measures designed to protect users and their environment.
Always treat your device and its accessories with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place.
Do not expose your device or its accessories to open flames or lit tobacco products.
Do not expose your device or its accessories to liquid, moisture or high humidity.
Do not drop, throw or try to bend your device or its accessories.
Do not paint your device or its accessories.
Do not attempt to disassemble your device or its accessories: only authorised personnel must do so.
Do not expose your device or its accessories to extreme temperatures, minimum -20 and maximum +55 degrees Celsius.
Please check local regulations for disposal of electronic products.
Emergency Situations
This device, like any wireless device, operates using radio signals, which cannot guarantee connection in all conditions. Therefore, you must never rely solely on any wireless device for emergency communications.
Device Heating
Your device may become warm during normal use.
Electrical Safety
Only use approved accessories. Do not connect with incompatible products or accessories.
Faulty and Damaged Products
Do not attempt to disassemble the device or its accessory. Only qualified personnel must service or repair the device or its accessory. If your device or its accessory has been submerged in water, punctured, or subjected to a severe fall, do not use it until you have taken it to be checked at an authorised service centre.
Care must be taken when using the device in close proximity to personal medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids.
Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of 15 cm be maintained between a device and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker.
Hearing Aids
People with hearing aids or other cochlear implants may experience interfering noises when using wireless devices or when one is nearby.
The level of interference will depend on the type of hearing device and the distance from the interference source, increasing the separation between them may reduce the interference. You may also consult your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives.
Medical devices
Please consult your doctor and the device manufacturer to determine if operation of your device may interfere with the operation of your medical device.
Switch off your wireless device whenever you are instructed to do so by airport or airline staff. Consult the airline staff about the use of wireless devices on board the aircraft. If your device offers a ‘flight mode’ this must be enabled prior to boarding an aircraft.
Explosive environments
Petrol stations and explosive atmospheres
In locations with potentially explosive atmospheres, obey all posted signs to turn off wireless devices such as your device or other radio equipment.
Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres include fuelling areas, below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders.
Blasting Caps and Areas
Turn off your device or wireless device when in a blasting area or in areas posted turn off “two-way radios” or “electronic devices” to avoid interfering with blasting operations.
Frequency Bands and Power
(a) Frequency bands in which the radio equipment operates: Some bands may not be available in all countries or all areas. Please contact the local carrier for more details.
(b) Maximum radio-frequency power transmitted in the frequency bands in which the radio equipment operates: The maximum power for all bands is less than the highest limit value specified in the related Harmonized Standard.
The frequency bands and transmitting power (radiated and/or conducted) nominal limits applicable to this radio equipment are as follows:
1, 3, 7, 8, 20, 28A: 23 dBm.
Software Information
The product software version is 25.20.678